
Nigel Stupples
I started Zen Do Kai for the first time in 1986 for a short while but it wasn’t until 1988 that I really got into it, prior to that I had trained in some boxing and Judo as a child. I first started for the self-defence and fitness side of things but soon came to enjoy the environment, positive attitudes and challenges that went with the training. Before I knew it I was training every day and progressing through the ranks. When I got to Shodan-Ho (Black Belt) in 1989, I opened my first club where I found I had a real interest in teaching. Through to this day my passion in Zen Do Kai has to be helping people to help themselves. I have found that through teaching students and watching them improve and grow, I myself have grown - either through their growth or the fact I have had to source more information to help them. Over the years this has led me to attend seminars, camps, other clubs, and for the past 25 years I have travelled overseas regularly for training seminars, up-skilling, competitions etc. I have trained with the likes of Toshishiro Obata, Dave Kover, John Will, Michael Campos, Patrick McCarthy, Bill Wallace, Richard Norton and Bob Jones, to name a few and have also graded in many styles outside of BJMA as well as in it. This open minded approach to training has really kept me on my toes as we keep abreast on latest training and teaching methods, to the point where I have studied things like Ortho-Bionomy, sports coaching, meditation, and leadership to name a few new skills I am interested in. In 1995 I founded a group called Proactive Martial Arts, with the intention of spreading and making available to anyone the fantastic skills that have helped me so much. We now have seven clubs in Christchurch and growing with the objective to have clubs throughout the South Island. Our purpose is to educate and promote Martial Arts in an environment, which best services the student. Most of my time these days seems to be spent with Martial Artists and I find it very inspirational and exciting whether it’s business or personal. Many of my close friends have either trained in the past or currently do so, including my wife who is a higher grade Black Belt in Zen Do Kai and my son who trains in our children's classes. I find it brings another dimension to relationships that I gel with. In my spare time I enjoy the outdoors as well as problem solving and getting creative in my man cave inventing things. Martial Arts to me is not a destination but a way of life, so ranks are just mile stones along the way of a great life’s journey and what I enjoy is just the everyday learning / training. There is a saying in Martial Arts that goes: It is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war! But all too often, as in any profession, it is easy to take things too far and become unbalanced. I believe it is important to have a balanced amount of many skills in life so you can easily adapt and change where required. I look forward to the development of our organisation and the progression and growth of all the students and schools. I would like to finish with a big thank you to all my past and present teachers who have helped me over the years. With their help it has influenced thousands in a positive way.

Anna Stupples
I began training at Proactive in April 1999 in Kickboxing and then Zen Do Kai. I had been seeing Nigel for a couple of years by then and realised it was a bit silly of me to not come along and give training a go, after all isn’t it a wise idea for everyone to learn how to defend themselves?! I didn’t really think it would be my thing, in the past I had never managed to stick at a sport, but because Martial Arts was obviously such a huge part of Nigel’s life I thought it was about time I went along to see what all the fuss was about. It wasn’t long before I was hooked, (once I overcame my nervousness about the whole thing) there was always something new to learn and that kept me interested because I had to use my brain as well. I slowly started to get fitter, made new friends and began to love the family atmosphere. Now if I can’t make it to THE CLUB I hate missing out on what’s going on! My initial goal was to achieve my Brown Belt, but somehow you get caught up in the motion of things and just keep on going – its kind of like “well if they can do it then so can I” which is great because it keeps you motivated and achieving goals and you end up being surprised at how far you have come. In December 2001 I graded through to Black Belt and wondered what now? But that was just the beginning! I started instructing beginners in early 2002 and apart from a break to train for my 2nd Degree Black Belt and have a baby, I have been teaching ever since. It has been hugely rewarding for me to see some of my first students achieve their 3rd and 4th Degree Black Belts over the past few years! I actually did my 4th Degree grading alongside my very first student – yes we graded to the same rank! My journey between 3rd and 4th Degree was very long – but that’s ok because it’s not a race. Perhaps I should tell this story more to students when they get upset about someone grading before them (: If someone had told me 20 years ago that I would become a Black Belt and manage a full time Martial Arts School, I would have laughed! It just goes to show that you never know where life will lead you. Proactive has become like a second family to me, I am a much stronger person both mentally and physically from my journey so far. I would be lying if I said that each grading didn’t scare me because it does – but what an awesome feeling it is to work hard for something, put your heart and soul into it and actually achieve it. As you move up the ranks you slowly notice changes in yourself, not just in your training but also in your personal life – things like focus, perseverance, commitment, goal setting – for me the list just goes on. Instructing has been one of the most challenging and rewarding things I have done and it has been what has taught me the most about training, human nature and myself. It has given me invaluable life skills! In October 2007 I left my job of almost 18 years as Office Manager to run Proactive Martial Arts full time with Nigel. The past 13 years have flown by and so much has happened, but I have been surrounded by and supported by such a wonderful extended family and I feel so fortunate. I currently hold the rank of 4th Degree Black Belt in Zen Do Kai and the teaching title of Renshi. This year (2020) marks my 21st year of training, Proactive’s 25th Birthday and BJMA’s 50th Birthday. What I love most about our family is the fact that it doesn’t matter how old you are, or how fit you are or what you do for a living – everyone is welcome. Believe in yourself, treat others as you would like to be treated, enjoy each day and do something each year that scares you!

Parklands & Riccarton
Mark Thornton
My name is Renshi Mark and I first start training in Zen Do Kai in 1992 under the legendary Sean Purcell at Tsunami Dojo. I was 14 years old and like a lot of kids, all I wanted to be was just like Daniel-San from Karate Kid or maybe Jean-Claude Van Damme. I soon learned that it wasn’t quite like the movies, it would take about eight months before I was allowed to do my first grading and at the time I think there were around 40 to 50 people grading for Blue Belt - at the end of the grading I won best Blue Belt. The thing you should know is that at that point in my life I had never been the best at anything, in fact I was failing school - but at that moment something changed and I was hooked! I started training as much as I could and most weeks it was 6 days, sometimes 7 days. In 1995 I achieved my Black Belt in Zen Do Kai and from there I started training Muay Thai under Daniel Saunders and I went on to have a couple of ring fights. It was around that time that I heard about an older woman who taught stick and knife fighting so I thought I would check it out and that was when I met Mam Cela and her top student Carey Lee. The stuff that were doing was awesome, but Mam Cela had to return to the Philippines and her top students went with her to live and train. Luckily around 1998 Carey returned to Christchurch and I was able to re-commence my stick training, mostly in Carey’s back yard, no gradings, just hitting each other with sticks! I trained hard and in 2018 Carey awarded me my Black Belt in Eskrima. I currently Instruct the Teenage Martial Arts class at Proactive Riccarton and oversee the Weaponry component for all the Karate classes. It has been 28 years since I started my Martial Arts journey and I’m still learning – it’s not just a hobby, it plays an essential part in my life.

Rob Lomas
Hi my name is Rob Lomas and I'm a 3rd Degree Zen Do Kai Black Belt with a teaching title of Sensei and a Krav Maga Level 1 Instructor / Black here at Proactive Martial Arts. There are great things that come from training martial arts. Awesome lifelong friends that can only be obtained in combat sports (my opinion), good health and confidence are a couple more. My favourite part of teaching is instilling the principles of Zen Do Kai and Krav Maga to make you a more confident person, added with learning how you deal with a conflict situation. We are here for everyone, more importantly we are here for you.

Craig Meikle
Hi, my name is Craig Meikle, I started training at Proactive Martial Arts in 2011. I had been watching my son train for a few years and decided I should try another martial art. I had tried several other styles over the previous years, but never found a style that suited me. It turns out that Proactive Martial Arts was a good fit for me, and for the rest of my family. Not only has my son trained at Proactive, my wife and daughter also do Kickboxing under Proactive Martial Arts. I never saw myself as an Instructor, but that's where my martial arts journey has bought me to. And I look forward to what Proactive Martial Arts and Zen Do Kai will bring me in the future.

Kate O'Neill
I started at Proactive at the end of 2007 having just moved to Christchurch after being at university - my boyfriend (now husband) Daniel had not long started Muay Thai at Proactive and I thought I'd go along and check it out, having never done any sort of Martial Arts before. I was immediately hooked - I loved the atmosphere, training and the people Daniel and I met. It wasn't long until we were training in as many Muay Thai classes each week as possible! Since then, I have dabbled several of the other Martial Arts available at Proactive, however, the 'art' of Muay Thai is my first love and has become a passion of mine. I definitely feel like I've missed out if I don't make it into a training, so much so that I trained (with modifications) and instructed throughout my pregnancy and was back at training two weeks after having our son! During my time (so far) at Proactive, I have been lucky enough to grade through to Black Level 3 under the Proactive Muay Thai system, train with World Champions and well known Martial Arts practitioners, travel to Thailand, and have had a number of Muay Thai and K1 fights, currently being an active member of the Fight Team. You'll find me at the club most days training or instructing; at the moment I help instruct the adults lunch time Muay Thai class and our two new Muay Thai classes for kids - Muay Thai Minis and Minors. I love that we have the opportunity to aid in fostering a lifelong participation in physical activity in children by introducing them to and nurturing them in the 'art of eight limbs' that is Muay Thai! Proactive is not only a Martial Arts club - it's a family, and you'll find some of New Zealand's most knowledgeable, talented and passionate Martial Artists in the Proactive dojos around Christchurch. I certainly feel very fortunate to have been introduced to Proactive all those years ago and look forward to continuing my Muay Thai journey with Proactive in 2020 and beyond.

Charlie Baker
I've been on my martial arts journey since 4 years of age, being a troubled kid my Mum threw me in for some extra discipline. The rest is history, earning my first Black Belt at 11 years old in England. We then moved to New Zealand and found Proactive Martial Arts! I've never felt more at home, welcomed in like they had known me for years. My life turned around when I was pushed into Kickboxing for more experience. After gaining my 1st Degree Black Belt in Zen Do Kai, I switched my time and dedication fully to Kickboxing. I have now had over twenty Kickboxing fights and hold a South Island K1 Title Belt in my weight category. Hard work pays off - I promise you that (:

Eden Pidgeon

Ollie Welch

Cashmere & Riccarton
Matt Boereboom
Growing up I spent time in many different sports and outdoors activities but never stuck at anything for more than a few years at any one time. In 2002 I came along to a Proactive class at the excited suggestion of a friend. I was anxious at the thought of ‘having to fight’, but I thought that I would at least stick around long enough to learn how to keep myself safe and build a little confidence. What I first thought Martial Arts was all about was very different to the real thing, and I’m grateful for my friends excitement that convinced me to try a class because nearly 20 years later he and I are both still training, now teaching our own students, and still on a lifelong journey of learning. In 2007, a year after earning my black belt, I was given the opportunity to run the Cashmere branch of Proactive. A year earlier when I first began teaching, I had asked my instructor Nigel Stupples, if I could run the adults classes instead of children’s. I thought to myself ‘I just don’t have the skills for that. ‘ When asked to run the club I did not agree quickly, but with encouragement from Nigel I gave it a go. As it turns out I was pretty good at teaching children and only lacked a little self-belief required to see it. Martial Arts has taught me that our anxiety often doesn’t have anything to do with where we will find strength or success in life, and I have the pleasure to share that lesson with my students. A decade of teaching later, I had the pleasure of seeing two of my students find themselves in the same position as I was in 2007; Running clubs of their own. I enjoy developing students skills and confidence. The abilities they develop may be to earn their first belt, master the skills required for a higher rank, or enter the ring for competition. The details change, but the path is the same. Every challenge is both an obstacle and a stepping stone, it depends on how you look at it.

Mt Pleasant
Liam Armstrong
My name is Liam Armstrong, I have been training for 14 years and currently hold the rank of 2nd Degree Black Belt with a teaching title of Dai Sempai. I began training in 2007 because of an advert in TV2 KidsFest and have been hooked ever since. Martial arts has taught me plenty of things throughout my life - resilience, confidence, strength, but I think most importantly, it has taught me to love. I love my training, I love my instructors, I love the memories, and I love the relationships I have built with my students and fellow teachers. Training has given me people that I could not imagine my life without. I would not by be the man I am today without my training and my mentors. My journey has given me the opportunity to run a club and give back to others, which I am immensely grateful for. I run a club for a number of reasons. To give back, to help people grow, to give people the knowledge that I was so lucky to get. But I think the main reason I teach, the thing that keeps me going is the smiles, the laughter, the knowledge that I am having an impact on my student’s lives. When a student comes up to me and says “I want to be a teacher like you one day” or even just a simple “thank you”, it’s a feeling I can’t get anywhere else. I struggled with mental health issues for years, but training is always a place I feel safe. And if I can help one person the way that this system and my training has helped me then I’m successful in life.

Jacque Sutherland
Hi, my name is Jacque and as you can see by my photo, I am no spring chicken, but that just goes to show that Martial Arts is for everyone. I am 25 years married with two children, a stepson and a granddaughter. I love animals and we live rurally on a small block of land and have chickens, ducks, rabbits, sheep, dogs x3, a cat, a turtle and our daughter’s horses. I foster, adopt and save all sorts of animals which is so rewarding and sometimes it’s hard to let them go again. We are slowly trying to make ourselves self-sufficient and getting a lot of enjoyment from it. There is something special about looking at your plate of food and knowing you grew it all yourself. I have been with Proactive from the beginning in one way or another as my husband was training with Nigel and helping out while he got up and going, but it wasn’t until after having children that I got into training myself. It was when our daughter decided to ditch ballet and do Martial Arts like her dad and brother. She was only four and at the time there were no classes for that age group so I got on the floor and helped teach her and a couple of others. So I guess you can say that I have been teaching since I was a white belt. All the years watching Allister and then our son came in handy. That was nearly 20 years ago. Since then our son has carried on and once he got his Black Belt, changed direction to Kickboxing. He has competed in the World Champs and came home with a silver medal and he also has a South Island Title Belt. Our daughter who is now a 3rd degree has recently opened her own club with her fiancée, which is going really well. She has also been in the ring a few times and remains unbeaten. It’s not her thing though and prefers the ZDK whereas her fiancée really enjoys and teaches kickboxing as well. My stepson also got his Black belt many years ago and now his 4 year old daughter is doing Martial Arts with us. So we are definitely keeping it in the family. 20 years ago if someone had said to me that I would be a 4th Degree Black Belt and our full time job would be teaching Martial Arts and living on a farm, I would have thought they were mad. Yet here we are and with a third generation starting J It was 15 years ago that we decided to open our own club part-time. This club grew to nearly 130 people before we were given the opportunity of taking over another franchise. This was a huge decision as it meant that we were going full time, but we did and haven’t looked back. How many people can say they love going to work, love being at home and work and live with their other half 24/7 and not kill each other J We now have close to 300 students and it is the most rewarding job. Seeing people’s lives change before your eyes. Be it an adult or child. It is humbling to say the least. Watching people gain confidence in themselves is fantastic. I think one the greatest things is listening to 1st Degree Black Belt speeches, it makes you realise that you do make a difference and we need a reminder of that sometimes. I love our clubs, they are like a huge extended family and that also includes the head Proactive club as without their continued support, we may not have made it. So I will take this opportunity to thank Kyoshi Nigel and Renshi Anna for always being there. Although I am still teaching, I have taken a bit of a step back from it in recent years as trying to run two clubs and teaching 18 plus classes a week was quite taxing. I feel my roll has changed to teaching our Instructors how to be the best teachers they can be. We have 25 Instructors now and they are all amazing people. I am always looking for the next future teacher coming through the door.

Allister Sutherland
Hi, I am Allister. I am 52 years old and I am a husband, father of three and grandfather of one with hopefully more to come in the future. My wife and I live in the country on a small plot and we are slowly becoming self-sufficient. It is a lifestyle that we love and goes well with our full time job, that being Martial Arts. I have been training for coming up 28 years. It is a passion which I hope to still be doing when I’m a hundred. I have been teaching for at least 25 of those years and it is something that I really enjoy. Martial Arts has taken me and my whole family down a path which I never saw coming. All my children got their Black belts. My son has gone on to get a silver medal at the World Championships in Kickboxing and won his last Title fight. My daughter has also been in the ring but prefers the Martial Arts side and has recently opened her own Proactive club with her fiancée. My eldest son has his 4 year old daughter training with us. Three generations! How awesome is that. 15 years ago we opened our Templeton Club which we ran part time. A few years later we were given the opportunity of going full time and taking over the Bishopdale Club which is now the Papanui Club. This was quite significant for me as Tusnami was where I originally started, moving over to the Proactive Club when Kyoshi Nigel opened it 25 years ago. Over this time I have attained my 5th Degree Black Belt in Zen Do Kai, my Black Level 4 in Kickboxing and more recently my Level 2 Black Belt in Krav Maga. I have also been in the ring but my passion is teaching. We have nearly 300 students and I enjoy having a positive influence in everyone’s lives. Watching them grow as people and Martial Artists. After so long some of our original students are now becoming instructors, I teach over 20 classes a week and love every moment. Proactive is one big family that I am proud to be a part of.

Amanda Macauley
Hi, my name is Amanda, and I am currently a probationary 2nd Degree Black Belt in Zen Do Kai, a Black Shirt in Muay Thai, and I teach teenage and adult classes at the Papanui dojo. I began my martial arts journey a few years ago as one of the many parents who sat at the back of the dojo and watched their kids train. I needed a new challenge, so much to my daughter's dismay, I began training as well. What began as a mere physical hobby has in fact impacted my life in a myriad of ways. Fundamentally, Zen Do Kai has taught me that mental strength is the key to overcoming adversity, whether that be physical or emotional, and it is a life-lesson that always needs reinforcing and practice! Our dojo is a family, and as my mentors and training partners have helped me with my self-discipline, focus, and perseverance, I love helping others cultivate their own mental strength as their Instructor and training buddy. Along the way I have jumped in the ring, and taken classes and workshops with world champions and amazing instructors from all over the world. Aside from teaching, I still train hard on my own physical and mental goals almost everyday of the week, including Muay Thai, Krav Maga, and writing a Ph.D on the side. The most important part of the Proactive way of life for me, though, is family. Our dojo is full of passionate, loyal members who help each other out, pick themselves off the floor and celebrate every individual success— a family I am proud to be part of.

Sarah Bastida
Hi, my name is Sarah and I am a 1st Degree Black Belt in Zen Do Kai with the teaching title of Sempai and an Orange Shirt in Muay Thai. I was a bit of a late starter on the Martial Arts journey, I took up Zen Do Kai in my late 40’s, and that was a while ago now. But this is a sport for all ages, all types and it delivers on so many fronts. I have learnt some fantastic skills, improved my fitness and had fun. There is also a lot of personal achievement with so much support from the Zen Do Kai family. Many families are involved, including my 18 year old who joined me on the martial arts journey and is also now a Black Belt. My initial interest in martial arts was that it was a sport I could fit into a busy lifestyle. If I had to miss some classes because of travelling for work, I was not letting a team down - it was just on me. But even though it is your own journey there is most certainly a big team, a family, to train and learn with and most importantly to encourage and support you. And the only person you need to be better than is yourself - everyone has their strengths and weaknesses and you will be pushed and helped … not to be better than the person beside you, but to be the best you.

Cindy Thomson
Heya I'm Cindy. I'm a wife of 19 years, a mother and grandmother of 6 year old, Rylee. I've played team sports my whole life, then I got to a stage where I just wanted to do something for myself. I saw a style of martial arts advertised and thought I would give it a go. After telling my sister Amanda, what I was up to she bluntly told me, "No, you're a Kickboxer. Why don’t you try Papanui Proactive?" I was hooked from the first night. That was over 10 years ago now, and hopefully I have at least another 10 years in me still. I am currently a 2nd Degree Black Shirt in Kickboxing, and have been fortunate enough to be part of our fight team, having competed in five fights with five wins. One of the highlights was to have the opportunity to train in Thailand. With the knowledge that I gained from that trip, I was able to bring back, and pass on some of the skills I learnt to my students, as I have been instructing for the past few years. Since beginning training, I have formed some life long friendships. To be completely honest, sometimes it is hard after a days work to train, but the camaraderie and positive atmosphere amongst those friends, is all the motivation you need. The only regret for me is that I didn't start Kickboxing earlier, but in saying that it doesn't matter what age, or fitness level you are, it is never too late to get started.

Matthew Jones
Hi, my name is Matthew Jones and I currently hold the rank of 1st Degree Black Belt with the teaching title of Sempai. Ever since I started training in 2010 at Proactive Papanui, I’ve been fortunate to train alongside many different types of people inside of a supportive and caring environment. It’s great to be part of a club where you feel a sense of belonging and a connection with others who share the same interest and passion for Martial Arts as I do. Martial Arts has enhanced my own mental and physical wellbeing because of the many core life skills and capabilities you develop while training. The skills learnt including self-discipline through concentration, improved confidence, resilience and determination have helped me achieve well in the other areas of life as well as in my Martial Arts journey. It has been very rewarding for me since earning the rank of Sempai to be teaching my own students. The ability to give back to the club through passing on my knowledge, skills and experiences to the benefit of the students I teach has helped me grow not only as a Martial Artist but also as a person. Seeing the positive impact you are making as an instructor by helping others learn and develop new skills is very satisfying and worthwhile to watch as you see them progress. I look forward to seeing Proactive further expand in the future and the many more experiences I will have in my journey.

Kalia Faulkner
Hi, my name is Kalia and I have been training at Proactive Martial Arts for about 18 years. After dancing for 15 years and developing RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) in my legs I could no longer continue and was looking for something else to become involved in. My little cousins were attempting their Junior Black Belts in Proactive Martial Arts and I went along to watch their grading and cheer them on. I thought "this looks like fun" and saw students and instructors of all different ages, shapes and sizes and decided to give it a try myself. So the next week I turned up at the Riccarton Dojo for my first lesson and the rest, as they say, is history. I was hooked right from the start. Now I am a 4th Degree Black Belt and have been teaching at the Templeton Dojo since it opened 15 years ago. I am a naturally quiet and shy person and Martial Arts has helped me develop the confidence to try new things, take risks and stand up for myself. I take such enjoyment from watching a new student (whether they are 6 or 56) walk through the doors and onto the floor for the first time, often unsure themselves, and see them grow and develop, not only as a Martial Artist but more importantly, as a person. To see a shy child or teenager step up, show leadership skills and help another student or to watch someone develop resilience as they persist with a skill they find challenging and see their joy when they finally master it, this to me is what Proactive Martial Arts is all about. Bringing out the potential in every student in a safe, friendly and supportive environment.

Mitchell Stephens
Hi I'm Mitchell and I’m a 2nd Degree Black Belt in Zen Do Kai with a teaching title of Dai Sempai. I am also a Level 1 Black Shirt in Muay Thai - Kickboxing. I began my training journey in 2011 and learnt how to Instruct under the guidance of the Papanui clubs, now sharing many of their practices at our Rolleston Dojo that I run with my partner Sensei Danni. I have been very involved in the Kickboxing fight scene over the years, having 20 fights to date and representing New Zealand in Italy and England in the 2017 World kickboxing Championships - bringing home two silver medals and a bronze medal in my weight class. I have also trained in Thailand under the guidance of the world renowned Tiger Muay Thai gym. My personal goals are to win some New Zealand titles to add to the collection and have my own fight team in future years.

Danni Stephens
Hi my name is Danni and I run the Rolleston Dojo along with my partner Mitchell. I am currently a 3rd Degree Black Belt in Zen Do Kai with a teaching title of Sensei and a Black Singlet in Muay Thai Kickboxing. I started training in 2001 at the age of 4! I have loved growing up in martial arts, always having a big support group around me and it has given me strong life skills. Starting from a younger age also means I have had the opportunity to train and grade through all the age groups, giving me a good understanding of the curriculums. I have done most of my training under my parents who run the Papanui Dojos, I have also spent many years Instructing for them. In recent years I trained for my two Kickboxing fights under my father Allister which was an awesome experience, learning to push my boundaries and discover how competitive I am haha - I was lucky to bring home the win on both. In 2016 I travelled to Thailand to improve my Muay Thai skills at Tiger Muay Thai gym. As well as my passion for martial arts I am a big animal lover and work in animal welfare. I have spent just as many years in the saddle as I have on the Dojo floor and been lucky enough to compete up and down the country including at the Horse of the Year show.

Tina Olsen
I have been training in Zen Do Kai, Freestyle Martial Arts, with Proactive Martial Arts for 9 years now, starting with Proactive in 2011. I remember being nervous on my first night training but everyone was really encouraging and after surviving my first class..I was very unfit to be fair....I came back for more and I was totally hooked. I found so much more than just fitness and self defence skills at Proactive. Strong core values like loyalty, perseverance and courage, along with a family atmosphere helped me to achieve more than I ever thought possible. We celebrate our good days and learn from our bad but mostly we just learn all the time. Plus, kicking and punching pads is fun and great stress relief so ...bonus! I was excited to begin teaching at Proactive Rolleston when it opened in 2019. Seeing a new club develop, while continuing with my own personal journey training towards my 2nd Degree Black Belt and seeing my students develop and grow in skills and confidence is a big kick for me personally. ...pardon the pun:) If you told me all those years ago I would reach my Black Belt goal in 2017 and achieve a teaching rank in 2019, I would have likely said yeah right, so my advice is it's never too late to step outside your comfort zone!
