Freestyle Martial Arts (Zen Do Kai)
Zen Do Kai is a freestyle martial art and an open system - this means we are open to influences and ideas from all around the world.

About Freestyle Martial Arts
Our modern, effective and comprehensive self defence system takes its base from a traditional Japanese karate style of kata, self-defence and strike work while also embracing elements from boxing, grappling, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Judo, Muay Thai kickboxing, and includes training in a variety of weapons.
The Zen Do Kai philosophy encompasses the principle of "if it works, use it" and is often described as a “living martial art” because it continues to evolve with the aim of remaining practical at all times.
“The best of everything in progression”
With schools across the whole of Australia & New Zealand and now also in Europe, Zen Do Kai is by far the largest Martial Arts organisation in Australasia, boasting nearly 1000 classes per week catering for all walks of life.
Zen Do Kai was founded in 1970 by Soke Bob Jones (founder of BJMA – Bob Jones Martial Arts) who opened his first martial arts club in Melbourne.
Offering a Wide Range of Skills
Punching & kicking techniques
Street smart self-defence
Weaponry skills & defence
Ground skills
Grappling & throws
Locks & holds
Pad work
Partner drills
Flexibility & agility
Stress relief
Fitness & strength